Rustic Woodland Baby Girl Shower
A few weeks ago we (my best friend Marie, the mommy-to-be's mom and sister-in-law - Gloria and Kristen) hosted a beautiful shower for my other best friend Chelsea. Got that? Let me throw one more into the mix - Ashley, who is giving Chelsea (and her husband Dan - ok...

10 Things To Buy At The Dollar Store For Your Next Party
I'm going out on a limb here but I'm going to go ahead and say that EVERYONE loves a good find at the Dollar Store (the everything is a dollar store ... I see you Dollar General). I have to say though, its easy to get sucked into the mentality of "oh, its just a...

Sebastian’s 2nd Birthday
I cannot believe my first born is two already, actually what I cannot believe is that I have not created a blog post since he was born! Thats right, the last blog post I made was about his birth announcement. While my blog / site did take a back seat for two years,...

Hi! I’m Jessica and I love to design and create! Whether its a bathroom redesign or a two year old’s birthday party .. creating is my jam! I’m excited to share all those things with you here 🙂
I’m also a proud wife and momma to two sweet kids, when I’m not creating, I’m living life with them
etsy shop

bridal shower invitations

baby shower invitations