I’m going out on a limb here but I’m going to go ahead and say that EVERYONE loves a good find at the Dollar Store (the everything is a dollar store … I see you Dollar General). I have to say though, its easy to get sucked into the mentality of “oh, its just a dollar” and before you know it you’ve spent $15 dollars on 15 items you could have gotten for $9.99 somewhere else .. I always reassess my cart before I check out just to make sure.
However, I’m not here to tell you HOW to shop the Dollar Store … you do you! What I am here to share with you is a little of my wisdom on what TO buy at the Dollar Store for your next party or event. For the heck of it, I’ll throw in a few things at the end too, that you SHOULD NOT buy at the Dollar Store.
Side Note: I linked a lot of the items to the Dollar Tree website, just note that if you purchase from the website they have minimum quantity orders.
Let’s just get started.
I’m not talking about the helium balloons at the front of the store (see the end of the post for my thoughts on those). I’m talking about the packages of balloons in the party aisle. I recently made two balloon garlands for two different parties and used Dollar Store balloons and they held up for over a week! If you are looking for a variety of color in balloons, this is your place. If you are looking for one color or really large balloons … look elsewhere.

Table Cloths
Unless you are doing a fancy dinner party then don’t splurge on fabric table cloths .. plastic ALL. THE. WAY. Lots of fun colors and patterns, easy clean up and since they are only $1 you don’t feel bad throwing them away when you are done. The Dollar Store has recently stepped up their game in this department and not only have a variety of pattens but they are doing different table shapes now as well.
Side Note: I also used Dollar Store table cloths to create this Circus Tent for my son’s first birthday party

No, not phone chargers. Chargers are plate type things that go under your plates. Basically holding the place for your plate at the table. These are used mainly at fancier occasions (i.e. weddings, dinner parties, holiday dinners, etc.) The Dollar Store has the standard gold and silver, but they have also introduced a few other styles including some wooden ones. Great quality, great price, and a nice touch to your next get together.

I always think a fun patterned or colored napkin is a great way to add some decor and pizzaz to the eating and drinking portion of your party. The Dollar Store has always had a great selection of solid color napkins and just recently I found that they offer patterned ones as well.

Now this really depends on the use. I recently made a little hanging flower piece for my niece’s birthday picture board. It was made entirely of Walmart and Dollar Store flowers and it came out beautiful (see below). IF you are going to use the flowers in a crafty decor way to add to a Bridal or Baby shower – the Dollar Store has some great options. BE PICKY though, not all Dollar Store flowers are created equal. Also, if you are going to put flowers in a vase or pot as a centerpiece … get real ones.

Gift Bags
Throwing a Bridal or Baby shower that have prizes for games? Grab gift bags from the Dollar Store .. they usually come in a two or three pack and they come in tons of colors so you can coordinate with your theme. Also great for Birthday Party Favor Bags … grab the tissue paper while you are there as well. Personally, I stay away from the wrapping paper because it usually doesn’t have that much on the roll – not the best bang for your buck
And I mean foam in two forms. Foam boards are great for signs and displays. Sturdy enough to lean up against a wall or easel on their own. When my friends threw my Baby Sprinkle they used foam boards to display all the decals for the onsie station. Lots of uses for a great price. Also, the green foam in the floral department – I’ve used these for the floral pieces as decorations, in centerpieces that have stick decor coming out of them and I have another creative idea up my sleeve for an upcoming shower that I’ll share soon.

Acrylic Frames
These are great for signs. I’ve made some 5 x 7 signs, printed them out and stuck them in a clear acrylic frame for uses such as: Gift Table, Favor Table and Drink Stations. These are also great to use for table numbers at weddings
I mean favors for Kid’s Birthday Parties – along the same lines as the flowers … be picky and thoughtful. I think some great options would be: Playdoh, Bubbles, Playing Cards, Puzzles, Coloring Books and Cars / Trucks. I would stay clear of the little plastic toys that inevitably end up in the trash or the floor of the car on the ride home.
Set Up Kit
What is this you ask?? Well, when setting up for a shower, party or event that is not in your home (or anyone else’s home) – I like to create a Set Up Kit that includes things such as: Scissors, Tape, Tacks, Pens, Markers, Pins, Glue, String, etc – All those things from some place like Walmart or Target can get pricey – The Dollar Store though, you can create a great set up kit for ten bucks.
So there you have it, my ten items that are a great deal from the Dollar Store for your next party.
Now here are a few I’d spend the extra dough on …
Paper Plates – The Dollar Store plates are flimsy and small – if you are eating any sort of decent food upgrade to a sturdy plate. The smaller plates are “ok” for cake only.
Plastic Silverware – Same as above. These break and snap easily – only use if their sole purpose is for eating cake.
Helium Balloons – Great deal if you are getting foil balloons. If you are blowing up regular balloons, especially a large amount … get the helium tanks at Walmart or Hobby Lobby that blow up 50 and the tank is under $25.
Candy – One box of candy, great deal. Any substantial amount of candy – you have fallen into the “oh, its only a dollar” trap. To fill a pinata you can get a MUCH better deal on Amazon. Not to mention, the DS candy is always a little stale.